Welcome to zeroveloCT


zeroveloCT is the platform where you can find lots of valuable and genuine educational content for all types of competitive examinations in India. We are sharing various types of knowledgeable content that make you stronger from an educational perspective. Our focus is to provide the best resources so the dreamers can fulfill their respective dreams.

Our Purpose:

zeroveloCT are trying to fulfill all types of educational purposes and help to build your successful career. We are providing lots of unique educational information that will help to improve your skill and knowledge in various fields in your educational journey.

Our Vision:

Our Vision is to create the best platform with the best content. We focus on building a strong foundation of knowledge and concepts, so all aspirants for competitive exams in India get an excellent platform to fulfill their respective dream.

Honesty, Determination, Integrity, Devotion, Holistic Learning, Humanism, and concern for society & environment are our core values which play a role of fiber to our academic suit.

Our highly qualified and most experienced faculties and team members are dedicated and committed to students’ complete success.

Key Features:

We decided to provide best content that will be very useful from the examination point of view.

Focused Area:
Touch with us:
Email: zeroveloct@gmail.com

Contact Number:
+91 9319238764

We will keep posting more informative articles on our website for all of you. Please give us to your support and love.

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