CUET Mathematics Syllabus 2023

The CUET Mathematics syllabus 2023 is published by the National Testing Agency. The syllabus for the Mathematics domain is available at on the official CUET 2023 website. This website also provides access to the same document.

The class 12 syllabus serves as the foundation for the CUET-UG exam for subject areas like math, physics, chemistry, and biology. Science stream CUET candidates can study from NCERT school textbooks and CUET study guides and the free pdf available on our website. 

SECTION AMathematics/Applied Mathematics15Compulsory 
SECTION B1Mathematics3020
SECTION B2Applied Mathematics3020


Mathematics / Applied Mathematics


  • Matrices and types of Matrices 
  • Equality of Matrices, transpose of a Matrix, Symmetric and Skew Symmetric Matrix 
  • Algebra of Matrices
  • Determinants 
  • Inverse of a Matrix 
  • Solving of simultaneous equations using Matrix Method


  • Higher order derivatives
  • Tangents and Normals
  • Increasing and Decreasing Functions 
  • Maxima and Minima


  • Indefinite integrals of simple functions 
  • Evaluation of indefinite integrals 
  • Definite Integrals 
  • Application of Integration as area under the curve

Differential equation

  • Order and degree of differential equations 
  • Formulating and solving of differential equations with variable separable

Probability Distribution

  • Random variables and its probability distribution 
  • The expected value of a random variable 
  • Variance and Standard Deviation of a random variable 
  • Binomial Distribution

Linear programming

  • Mathematical formulation of Linear Programming Problem 
  • Graphical method of solution for problems in two variables 
  • Feasible and infeasible regions 
  • Optimal feasible solution

Read More: CUET(UG) 2023: Common University Entrance Test – All Details




1) Relations and Functions Types of relations: Reflexive, symmetric, transitive and equivalence relations. One-to-one and onto functions, composite functions, the inverse of a function.Binary operations. 

2) InverseTrigonometric Functions Definition, range, domain, principal value branches. Graphs of inverse trigonometric functions. Elementary properties of inverse trigonometric functions. 


1) Matrices Concept, notation, order, equality, types of matrices, zero matrix, transpose of a matrix, symmetric and skew-symmetric matrices. Addition, multiplication and scalar multiplication of matrices, simple properties of addition, multiplication and scalar multiplication.Non-commutativity of multiplication of matrices and the existence of non-zero matrices whose product is the zero matrices (restrict to square matrices of order.

2) Concept of elementary row and column operations. Invertible matrices and proof of the uniqueness of inverse, if it exists;(Here all matrices will have real entries).

3) Determinants of a square matrix (upto3×3matrices), properties of determinants, minors, co-factors and applications of determinants in finding the area of a triangle. 

4) Adjoint and inverse of a square matrix. Consistency, inconsistency and number of solutions of a system of linear equations by examples, solving a system of linear equations in two or three variables (having unique solution) using the inverse of a matrix. 


1) Continuity and Differentiability: derivative of composite functions, chain rule, derivatives of inverse trigonometric functions, derivative of implicit function.Concepts of exponential, logarithmic functions. Derivatives of log x and x Logarithmic differentiation. Derivative of functions expressed in parametric forms. Second-order derivatives.Rolle’s and Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorems (without proof) and their geometric interpretations. 

2) Applications of Derivatives: Rate of change, increasing/decreasing functions, tangents and normals, approximation, maxima and minima(first derivative test motivated geometrically and second derivative test given as a provable tool).Simple problems(that illustrate basic principles and understanding of the subject as well as real-life situations). Tangent and Normal. 


1) Vectors: Vectors and scalars, magnitude and direction of a vector. Direction cosines/ratios of vectors.Types of vectors(equal, unit, zero, parallel and collinear vectors), position vector of a point, negative of a vector, components of a vector, the addition of vectors, multiplication of a vector by a scalar, position vector of a point dividing a line segment in a given ratio. Scalar(dot) product of vectors, projection of a vector on a line.Vector(cross) product of vectors, scalar triple product.

2) Three-dimensional Geometry: Direction cosines/ratios of a line joining two points.Cartesian and vector equation of a line, coplanar and skew lines, the shortest distance between two lines.Cartesian and vector equation of a plane.The angle between (i)two lines,(ii)two planes,(iii) a line and a plane.Distance of a point from a plane. 

(Unit V): Linear Programming

Introduction, related terminology such as constraints, objective function, optimization, different types of linear programming(L.P.)problems, mathematical formulation of L.P.problems, graphic method of solution for problems in two variables, feasible and infeasible regions, feasible and infeasible solutions, optimal feasible solutions (up to three non-trivial constraints). 

(Unit VI): Probability

Multiplicationstheoremonprobability. Conditional probability, independent events, total probability, Baye’s theorem. Random variable and its probability distribution, mean and variance of haphazard variable. Repeated independent(Bernoulli) trials and Binomial distribution.

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CUET (UG) Examination: Syllabus, Eligibility, Score Validity etc.

CUET Mathematics Syllabus 2023

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