Puzzle: How shall the amount be divided equally?

Puzzle #07:

Two partners named A and B have decided to take Mr. C into partnership. A has 112 times as much capital invested in the businesses as B, and C has to pay down 2,5000.00, which sum shall be divided between A and B, so that the three partners shall have an equal interest in the business.

How shall the sum be divided?


Let’s assume all will continue the business with 25000 each, so as to have equal interest. This means the business worth is 25000 + 25000 + 25000 = 75000. 

As per the question, A has invested (1 1/2) times than B. 

So, A = (3/2) B that is  (3/2) B + B = 75000

B has invested 30000. And A has invested 45000

Hence, C has to pay 20000 to A and 5000 to B. 

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