Puzzle: What was the timing on the clock?

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Puzzle #1:

Aron’s father brought a pendulum clock, which bells every hour and once at every half an hour. One night Aron wakes up when the pendulum clock bells once. Aron was not able to understand the time on the clock.

After some time he heard another bell once, and he did not have any clue again but after some time when he heard the third bell once again, he understood the timing of the clock. When Aron heard the second bell, what was the timing on the clock? 


The clock bells every hour means at 1 it will ring once, at 2 it will ring twice, and so on. As per the condition the Clock bells once in every half an hour. So, Aron listened to the first bell at 12:30, then the second at 1 am and the third bell at 1:30am.

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